You Can't Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain, by Phoebe Robinson of Two Dope Queens podcast fame, was not my usual thing, but was pretty damned great. (At first I wrote darmned, like darned and damned together, and I swear I almost left it in because that's a pretty great new word I invented. But (as you may have noticed), I digress.) "Funny person writes book" is not always my thing; it's something I loved when I was a kid, but I think most of the ones I read now seem pretty shallow. This book was anything but.
So take Bossypants, and Yes, Please--these are written by famous people who have relationships to maintain, but from whom you really want the gossip. So it ends up like when you were a kid sneaking an R rated movie hoping for something salacious and you ended up getting My Left Foot and you're like, wha?
This is not all the book is about--not by a long shot. My other favorite thing is her cultural references, because she will drill down to a moment in an episode of a show that you watched--yes you did, you know you did--or a movie that she watched over and over as a kid just as often as I did, and she understands just how I think in pop culture references. There were a lot of great "Yes! That!" moments in here.
But what I appreciated was how real she kept it--not just about race, but about being a woman comic, and about being insecure and confident at the same time, and about being ambitious in a world that doesn't want to support you. She shared the real experience of being a black woman in entertainment, and it was funny and sweet and real.
And now I have her podcast to listen to, which I'm super excited about and loving so far. Yay, Phoebe!
I do have one criticism, though it's not about the book cover but the Amazon listing for the book. You'll notice the colon in the title? Total misuse of a colon. I understand that it's traditional to use a colon in a subtitle, but I strongly dislike the practice of a colon followed by an "and." My only crit. Sorry, Pheobes--love ya, sweetheart!
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