Sunday, November 26, 2017

Something on Sunday, 11/26

I have been lost in a private fog for weeks, but this is the week I emerge.  Non-optional; new job starts on Tuesday.

Per my normal system, I have been pretending it's not real and getting obsessed with a really inane video game, rather than using my free time to catch up on actual things I mean to be doing, like blogging, or taking a yoga class, or certain more time consuming forms of shopping.

But soon life will have structure again, and I'll be an official Library Employee, and I'll be able to manage my time better, I'm sure of it.

So that's my something this week; new job, new plan, new goals and ambitions. In honor of this, a statement of intent: I will post one book-related blog post this week.

You heard it here first!

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