Then I saw this, and it made me literally tear up with joy.
Not because I particularly care about Sweeney Todd (I've never seen it, though I have watching this awesome comparison of various Mrs. Lovett performances), but because there is something so unbelievably compelling about a group of incredibly talented people at the top of their game doing what they're amazing at, as a team. It's like the ultimate heist movie, only instead of imaginary characters stealing diamonds, it's really actors having fun with something they love. And I love it, too! It's like a tiny glimpse inside of this incredible team, and it's absolutely moving.
More on this book as I get further in, but after owning it for a few hours, my reaction is that these annotations are amazing and I wish they had annotated every damned word in the whole thing. I knew this was a work of genius, and it gets better the deeper you get. The bits that were cut, the rap allusions I wouldn't have gotten, the snippets that the actors brought to their characters--it's freaking amazing. I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT.
Ahem. Thank you, Mike and Adam, for my Mother's Day gift. Good show.
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