Sorry to be absent; my computer has been on the fritz, which has caused me enough work delays that my blog delays. In house tech support is on it, though, and I think we're making progress.
I'll just catch you up on a little New Release shelf discovery I made this week. It's called
Things We Didn't See Coming
, by Steve Amsterdam, and I think it will appeal to my readership. Two words: future dystopia. Two more: short stories. This is a book of connected short stories about one character, starting on New Year's Eve, 1999, when he's a child with a father having a Y2K panic attack. It follows his life in a world that becomes increasingly different from the one we live in--a world of shortages, oppression, and difficulty.
That's what I think is going on--I'm really only in the second story. But I'm pretty impressed so far. I won't say I love it, but I really like it, and I find it really interesting.
So I wanted to report on it, and let you know that I appear to be back on the radar, internet-wise. Big shout out to Techie.
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