There are some drawbacks along the way. There's a girl (as there was in each of the other two books) who seems to be jammed kind of forcibly into the plot. There are a lot of scenes where they're going from one place to another in what, if you stop to think about it, isn't really a very well-thought-through plan. Howard manages not to get killed in some of the most unlikely scenarios.
But you don't want to nitpick with a book like this. If the costuming isn't perfect, if the setup isn't convincing, well, the scenery whips by fast enough for it to go unnoticed if you squint. The building is intense, and the denouement (if one can use such a word for such a book), if unlikely, is a satisfying ending to what's gone on so far.
So, is it as good as the first two? No. Does it deliver what you need to wrap up a really cool series? Yeah, I would say so.
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