Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Favorite Thing About Hamilton This Week

Okay, I concede; I'm joining the chorus of people who can't stop talking about Hamilton.  I have listened to pretty much nothing else for weeks.  I have one of these songs or another in my head every day--yesterday it was "Satisfied," but today it's "Wait for It."  

My favorite song changes, my favorite character changes, my favorite thing about the story changes.  So let's start keeping track.  

This week, my favorite thing about Hamilton is the friendship between the four young men who fought the war together: Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan, and Hamilton.  Lafayette is the brilliant general, of course, but Laurens the fierce abolitionist (who challenged Charles Lee after Hamilton was ordered not to), Mulligan the spy (who has one of my FAVORITE bits in the whole show; "Hercules Mulligan, I need no introduction"). They sing "The Story of Tonight," and reprise it later at Hamilton's wedding; they split up and pursue their roles in the cause, they come together to crow about it at the end. 

Hercules Mulligan is amazing; I looked him up on Wikipedia.  He was a tailor who spied on his Loyalist clients; his slave, Cato (about whom little is known), did much of the actual transportation of information.  Mulligan was later a founding member of the New York Manumission Society, which makes me wonder more about Cato and their relationship.

But these four boys--kids, really--and how they back each other and cheer each other and do this amazing thing together--that's my favorite thing about Hamilton this week. 

Also, JENNY SAW THE SHOW and there better be a WHOLE POST ABOUT IT very soon! You don't get to bury that in the tags for a review of a book you read on the bus on the way to the theater!

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