1) Stockpile novellas. I ran out of novellas I was excited about, but they fit the bill very nicely.
2) Earmark time. The best part of this plan was that I actually spent a couple of afternoons reading for hours instead of puttering around getting not much done. It was motivating! And productive! It worked really well for that and I want to harness it sometime.
3) Stockpile comics and kids books. Adam thrust several books upon me in the past week that would have been great book-a-day reads.
[Very Important Aside: My kid is now spontaneously coming up to me sometimes and saying, "Mom this is a really good book. You should read it." PARENTING ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: 1,000,000 POINTS!!!!]
4) Plan end-of-April reading to trail off into May. I counted books I finished in May, even if started in April. For the longer stuff, start it in April, to make a dent.
So this May I actually read 6 novellas, 5 graphic novels, and 4 novels, totaling 15 books, for the purpose of this experiment. And this was during a month that included a Friends of the Library book sale, which is about my busiest week all year, and some intense volunteer commitments.
So look out next May, I'm planning ahead this time!
It's a wonderful book about the experience of being brown in America and how that's changed over the past 40 years, and about being a parent and trying to make sense of a world that doesn't actually make sense, and then break it down into words a six-year-old can understand--especially when the six-year-old alternates between being scared of racism and pretending he's Spider-Man.
This was such a great, relatable, warm-hearted book, and I really loved getting to know Mira Jacob. Highly recommend.
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