Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My Motto

Leave Me Alone, I'm Reading, by Maureen Corrigan, appears to be a memoir through books--an explication by the book reviewer for NPR's Fresh Air of how the books she's read have affected her, how she views her life through them. It sounds like a wonderful idea, but it came to me as less of a recommendation than a curiosity--Kris sounds like she's not sure what she thinks.

I'm pretty much on the same page, which is funny because I'm not even into the numbered pages yet. I'm on xxv of the (rather long) preface. And I'm already kind of torn. On one hand, she's promising me that she finds so-called "genre" fiction to be more affecting than "Great Books," which I appreciate. On the other hand, she talks about teaching college classes and makes herself sound like a pompous academic blowhard.

I hope I fall in love with this book. It's possible. I have an innate suspicion regarding Fresh Air, too--I've never listened enough to have much opinion, but I get the impression that it might be a little, well, trite.

I have a T ride coming up in a few--that'll get a few more pages down.

Oh, and I've been taking notes on Joan of Arc. More on her soon!

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